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Smart Facts about Obesity – Must Know before Beginning the Weight Loss Journey

Overweight and obesity are defined at lower levels of BMI (Body Mass Index) for Indian population. This is because the health risks of obesity occur at a lower level of BMI in Asian Indians as compared to Caucasians.
Overweight: BMI ≥23 kg/m2 but <25 kg/m2 (irrespective of gender)
Generalized obesity (GO): BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 (irrespective of gender)
Abdominal obesity (AO): Waist circumference (WC) ≥ 90 cm for men and ≥ 80 cm for women
How to measure your waist circumference:
• Feel and locate the lowest point of your ribs

Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer

Alcohol-based hand sanitizers typically contain ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, n-propanol or a mixture of two from these. The antisepsis of alcohols is due to their protein denaturing capability. For maximum effectiveness, the alcohol solution should have a concentration between 60 to 80%. Concentration above 80% is less effective as reduced amounts of water inhibit denaturation of proteins.
The amount of alcohol in a sanitizer may be expressed as either of two:

Congenital Rubella Syndrome

CRS is a group of birth defects that occur when a woman gets infected with rubella virus during pregnancy. The virus can harm the developing fetus and result in a range of physical and intellectual disabilities, including deafness, blindness, heart defects and intellectual disabilities.
CRS is a preventable disease and can be avoided by ensuring the girls and women are vaccinated against rubella well before they are pregnant.
Symptoms of CRS may not appear immediately after birth and may take weeks or even months to develop. The severity of CRS can vary.

MR Vaccine

Live attenuated vaccine, containing Measle and Rubella
Storage: +2 to +8 degree Celsius
Use within 4 hours of reconstitution
At the session site: Keep in the WELL of the icepack
Open vial policy: NOT applicable
Extremely sensitive to sunlight, therefore packaged in dark color glass
Vial: contains 10 doses
DOSE: 0.5 ml
ROUTE: Subcutaneous
SITE: Right upper arm

MR Vaccine


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