The first blog in the series was Epidemiology-1.
It is number of NEW cases occurring in a defined population during a specified period of time.
Formula of Incidence:
(no.of NEW cases in a defined population during a specified time period )/(Population at risk during the same time period) X 1000
It refers to ALL the cases (old and new) present in a population at a given period of time.
Formula of prevalence:
(no.of All cases in a defined population during a specified time period )/(mid-interval population at risk) X 1000
Uses of ‘Incidence’:
Incidence can be used:
1. As the indicator of health services as it usually responds earlier than prevalence
2. In research for ‘Risk factors’ or cause
3. For checking the efficacy of therapeutic of preventive measures e.g. comparing the incidence of disease among the vaccinated and the un-vaccinated
Uses of ‘Prevalence’:
Prevalence can be used for:
1. Measuring the disease burden in the community
2. For prioritizing the health problems of the population, for example, the amounts of TB, Leprosy etc. in India have made the government give them a higher priority
3. It is needed for planning health services e.g. number of beds needed for the particular disease, amount of medicines needed in the store.
Measurements of mortality:
1. Crude death rate (CDR)
2. Specific death rates
3. Case fatality ratio (CFR)
4. Proportional mortality rate (PMR)
5. Survival rates
6. Standardized death rate (SDR)
7. Standardized mortality ratio (SMR)
Formulas for the above death rates:
CDR: number of deaths from any cause, per 1000 population in one year, in a defined population
(no. of deaths in one year in a specified area)/(mid-year population of the specified area during the same year) X 1000
Specific death rates:
- Cause specific death rate e.g. Tuberculosis death rate
- Age specific death rate e.g. death rate in the reproductive age group
- Death rate for a month e.g. in January
- Weekly death rate
- Proportional mortality ratio
- Case fatality ratio (CFR):
((no. of deaths due to the cause in one calender year in a specified area)/(mid-year population of the specified area during the same calender year) )X 1000
((no. of deaths in the age group 15-44 yr,in one year in a specified area)/(mid-year population of the 15-44 yr old,during the same year)) X 1000
((no. of deaths in January X 12)/(mid-year population ) )X 1000
((no. of deaths in the given week X 52)/(mid-year population ) )X 1000
((no. of deaths due to the cause (or in a particular group))/(TOTAL no.of Deaths during the same year in the same population)) X 1000
((no. of deaths due to the particular disease in one year in a specified area)/(no.of cases diagnosed with the disease in the same year and area)) X 1000
Note: you may be asked to differentiate between ‘Cause-specific death rate’, ‘Proportional mortality ratio’ (PMR) and ‘Case Fatality ratio ‘(CFR). Hint: Pay attention to the denominator
Steps in Investigation of an Epidemic: http://www.ihatepsm.com/blog/epidemiology-steps-investigation-epidemic
Tests of Significance: http://www.ihatepsm.com/blog/epidemiology-tests-significance
Monitoring and Evaluation: http://www.ihatepsm.com/blog/epidemiology-monitoring-and-evaluation
Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Control Studies: http://www.ihatepsm.com/blog/epidemiology-advantages-and-disadvantages-case-control-studies
Advantages and disadvantages of cohort study: http://www.ihatepsm.com/blog/epidemiology-advantages-and-disadvantages-cohort-study
Basic Concepts in Epidemiology: http://www.ihatepsm.com/blog/epidemiology-basic-concepts
Types of Epidemiological Studies: http://www.ihatepsm.com/blog/epidemiology-types-epidemiological-studies
Differences between Case – control and cohort study: http://www.ihatepsm.com/blog/epidemiology-differences-between-case-%E2%80%93-control-and-cohort-study
Uses of epidemiology: http://www.ihatepsm.com/blog/epidemiology-uses-epidemiology
Blinding in Experimental Studies: http://www.ihatepsm.com/blog/blinding-experimental-studies
Evaluation of a Screening Test: http://www.ihatepsm.com/blog/epidemiology-evaluation-screening-test