1. The first prof is generally very stressful for new MBBS entrants. The three main subjects are demanding enough.
a. Hence expecting them to study Community Medicine also is too much in general. Some strong personalities can do it; they are encouraged to start from 1st prof itself.
b. Others are advised to at least attend the lectures and try to grasp what is being taught.
2. Start studying from 2nd prof itself. Find half to one hour a day from your studies for the subject
3. Start reading the chapter on ‘Concepts in Health and Disease’ from standard textbooks (Presumably ‘Park & Park’, second chapter)
4. Do attend lectures (and pay attention too!) if you understand some part of it. It makes reading the chapters much easier
5. Collect previous 10 years question papers of
• Annual examinations
• Supplementary examinations
• Pre-prof./ pre-university/ sent-up annual exam
• Pre-prof./ pre-university/ sent-up of supplementary exam
-Note down the often repeated short notes and long questions
-Make a list of these
-As you read the chapter-wise from the textbook, simultaneously read about these short notes (locating them in the book from the index in the last pages)
-Prepare 3 to 4 short notes per day
(Writing them down in a register would be excellent though most students find that to be too much botheration)
6. Read epidemiology from the book ‘Epidemiology Made Easy’, Jaypee Brothers. Buy at: https://www.amazon.com/Epidemiology-Made-Easy-Tiwari-Poornima/dp/8184486391
The book explains general epidemiology in a fun manner. By the time one finishes the book, one already has clear concepts
Each chapter has two parts:
I One main part for explanation
II Second part titled as ‘Review’ for preparation just before an exam. Read only the first part initially and the book finishes fast. Read the second ‘Review’ part just before the first test/ viva on epidemiology.
7. ‘Screening’ is given well in Park’s textbook. You can get an understanding from my lectures (Part 1 & 2) on ihatepsm.com. These lectures are free of charge and available at: http://www.ihatepsm.com/category/screening
8. Biostatistics: from the book ‘Methods in Biostatistics’ Jaypee Brothers
At present my website (www.ihatepsm.com ) has only a few preliminary lectures on bio stats and these are inadequate. I shall be adding more lectures in the near future.
Some basic biostatistics is included in the practical book (Community Medicine) from Lippincott.
9. For Practicals:
I You must attend ALL the practical sessions
II Attend ALL visits.
III Read the relevant portion a day before the visit. That way you will understand clearer during the visits. Examiners have a knack of knowing if actually attended the visit.
IV Take a photo if possible or make a drawing in your rough file of how each slide looks like. Most likely, a few of these slides will be kept for examination and these are sometimes weathered and unrecognizable especially under the stress of the exam.
V Manual for Practical in Community Medicine is: ‘Mastering Practicals – Community Medicine’ from Lippincott; Buy at:
10. If you follow this, in your 3rd prof, you will be ready to take on the subject.
i. Read all the chapters
ii. Read class notes
iii. Listen attentively in theory classes and
iv. Attend all the practical sessions
I shall continue to develop interesting lectures till all the topics are covered. These are and will be available at www.ihatepsm.com
Best of Luck